PG Consultation | Medical Training Roll-out and Consulting Services


Save Time and Money: Put Our Experience to Work for You!

Our seasoned team of specialists will assist you with the design and timely establishment of a regional medical campus that meets your community’s needs.

Our Service Offering


Planning: a roadmap for engagement toward success

  • Anticipate and prevent risks
  • Develop an approach and give you the support you need for successful strategic planning
  • Identify local opportunities that will multiply the campus’s beneficial impacts (extra medical training, creation of inter-institutional alliances, unique local innovations that could attract a renowned centre of expertise)


Ensuring your project is efficient: your leadership at its best

  • Help you address leadership and management challenges at all levels
  • Support leaders with management, communication, leadership and networking skills in order to overcome difficulties specific to the planned regional campus
  • Support with the application of a strategic plan, including a funding strategy


Guaranteeing medical training quality

  • Develop or adapt a quality academic curriculum to local conditions
  • Prepare for an accreditation visit
  • Document processes
  • Control medical training quality


Rigorous management and a credible case backed by recognized expertise

  • Political leaders and the public expect ethical and strict management: leverage our sound planning expertise
  • By developing a credible case, we are able to accurately identify needs, solutions and alternatives in order to establish a project’s relevance and to facilitate the acquisition of the human, financial and academic resources on which its success depends
  • Our communications and public relations support will help you secure the backing you need to meet the population’s needs as quickly as possible
  • The creation of a new campus is also an opportunity to strengthen the support of local communities and to boost awareness of your institution: Together with you, we will develop an effective communication strategy to build lasting relationships and maintain your partners’ confidence

The best leaders surround themselves with the best teams

  • Why use external consultants?
  • If you’ve faced fiscal restraint for several years, you may no longer have the financial and human resources flexibility to initiate a major project
  • We can help you meet the needs of your population more quickly while enabling you to maintain the quality of your on-going operations
  • In the context of scarce public finances, it’s tempting to do “more with less”
  • But the absence of results, along with delays and failures, is far more costly for populations that lack access to quality health care
  • If your resources have insufficient experience, it is reasonable to turn to recognized international experts with a proven track record in an effort to reduce risks, timeframes and costs.
  • Our access to a network of internal experts could reassure potential donors who support the project.

Medical Training and Much More!

Our consulting services go beyond medical training. We have an extensive international network of collaborators who can put their expertise to work for you in order to help you resolve a specific issue or undertake a new project.

Mentoring, development assistance, leadership support and innovation are some examples:  contact us to find out how we can help you!

We Can Help You Tailor a Solution to the Needs of Your Community

Our seasoned team of specialists supports local leaders as they design and roll out a regional medical campus tailored to the needs of your community.

There are times when innovation gives rise to organizational or administrative resistance. We will help you analyze local realities, be they organizational, social or political, and identify the best strategies for ensuring your decentralized training is a success.

Whether it’s internal engagement, institutional alliances or consolidating community buy-in for a project, we can help you.

Our approach enhances your stakeholders’ ability to act and promotes the transfer of knowledge and experience, thus ensuring your success long after our last intervention.

Planning and Funding Assistance

Funding is the first issue faced by leaders who want to innovate and bring about decentralized training. By investing in customized coaching, you’ll benefit from our team’s experience and reduce the risks associated with undertaking a project.

That way, you can shorten implementation timelines, see initial tangible results sooner and reduce the project’s overall costs.

Maximize your return on investment with sound planning prior to start-up.

Whether you are interested in regular meetings as part of a consulting service approach or in “step-by-step” coaching as part of a more “turnkey” approach, we have the formula that suits your needs.

Save time and money: put our roll-out experience to work for you

Your Community Deserves Quality Medical Care, You Deserve Strong Support…

We intervene every step of the way to ensure your project’s success.

Careful planning and mobilization
Roll-out, coaching and expertise transfer
Succession planning, project monitoring and quality control
Project autonomy and community appropriation